A journey on the web.

This will be my last post under #MANG2049, Living and Working on the Web (Singapore).

Before my digital journey with MANG2049, I had never thought of identifying myself as a digital visitor or a digital resident. After identifying myself as a digital visitor, I had a better understanding of what I wanted to do with my social media accounts. I have always wondered if I should create another account on Facebook. Now, I believe that it is fine to have just one account and to keep it private. After all, I still have my Twitter account.

When I created my Twitter account in 2011, I learned about using hashtags . Three years later, I learned about mentions. It is during this digital journey in 2016 that I first saw how an added link would appear on a tweet. As you can see, I have not been very active until recently. I became more active on Twitter in order to check for class updates and to contact classmates.

This course had increased my experience in collaborating with others online. While I had a previous experience of writing a blog post for group work, this new blogging experience allowed for more discussion with classmates through blog comments. Although it was just for about two weeks, this is my first blog having to post regularly.

On my post about having an authentic digital professional profile, I mentioned that blogging helps in creating a work-learning environment. Adding on to this point, commenting and replying to comments on blog posts are important factors. They are important for learning and discussion. Prior to this course, I have never had to comment on blog posts.


Reading the blog posts of others and comments from others, I was able to gain a wider perspective on the different topics. I was also able to learn about different terms and different issues of the digital world. Reading blogs written by different people had increased my exposure on the different ways of using media in blogs. Writing the reflections have definitely helped me to organize my thoughts.

Creating online materials was a major challenge. In the beginning, I could only think of using photos. So I wrote or drew on paper to take photos to post. Later, I was recommended to use Canva. Truth to be told, I had some difficulty in expressing myself with it. I found that creativity and imagination on paper can work quite differently online, especially when more colours are included. Perhaps this was because I was more used to pencil drawings for diagrams. I believe that this experience with creating online images is something that I would want to continue to work on in the future.


Speaking of which, another difference between creating online material and print material would be the hyperlinks. While I knew I had to cite references, I did not realize until I was told, that I should create active hyperlinks to allow easy access for readers.


All in all, it was a fruitful learning experience.

(500 words)

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